keith ellison
Minnesota Attorney General-elect Keith Ellison speaks during the election night event held by the Democratic Party Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2018, in St. Paul, Minn.
AP Photo/Hannah Foslien
  • Minnesota AG Keith Ellison said the Chauvin verdict was, "another step on the long path towards healing," for the Floyd family.
  • Ellison added that it represented accountability, but not justice.
  • Ellison also asked the public to respect the Floyd family's privacy.
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Speaking at a press conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Attorney General Keith Ellison said that the guilty verdict of former police officer Derek Chauvin was, "another step on the long path towards healing," for George Floyd's family.

Ellison centered Floyd's family in his remarks, saying they had to relive Floyd's death, "again, and again, and again."

Ellison said Chauvin's guilty verdict on charges of murder and manslaughter represented the first step to justice: accountability.

"George Floyd mattered. He was loved by his family and his friends. He mattered because he was a human being and there is no way we can turn away from that," Ellison said.

Ellison also asked the public to honor the Floyd family should they request privacy in the wake of the trial, which was nationally and internationally covered.

During the conference, Ellison thanked the "bouquet of humanity," and young people like Darnella Frazier who stopped outside to film Chauvin killing Floyd.

"They were right, they performed simple yet profound acts of courage," Ellison said.

"Nobody can do everything, but everybody can do something. The work of our generation is to put unaccountable law enforcement behind us." Ellison said, thanking his legal entourage, who he said "are all Michael Jordans."

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